Building a Platform to Promote Cooperation Shandong-Indonesia Economic and Trade Matchmaking Conference was Successfully Held
Building a Platform to Promote Cooperation Shandong-Indonesia Economic and Trade Matchmaking Conference was Successfully Held
Wed, 25 September 2019 14:49

The Shandong-Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Matchmaking Conference jointly organized by the Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce and Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will be held at 10 am on September 20 (Friday) at the Wyndham Hotel Conference Hall in the Southern District of Jakarta. Zhang Xingcheng, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce, and Qiu Tianbin, deputy director of the Foreign Economic and Trade Office, Li Xuzhi, deputy director of the Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and Wang Fengci, researcher of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, and Wang Taisong, deputy director of the Zibo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, etc. Many people and Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association deputy chairman Xue Tianzeng, honorary chairman Lu Qingbo, Yang Xiuzhen, Chen Shedong, Shangxuan, Guan Minquan, Chen Xin, etc. introduced their respective businesses.

Xue Tianzeng said that as the first country to promote the new Silk Road in the 21st century, Indonesia is one of the most important partners and anchor countries along the “Belt and Road” in China. At the same time, the Indonesian government is also building infrastructure over the past few years. As the core, we will attract domestic and foreign investment with an open attitude, and comprehensively promote the economic and social construction and development of Indonesia with flexible and efficient diversification measures.

He said that today, Zhang Zhicheng, the deputy director, led a delegation to visit Jakarta. We are very happy and sincerely hope to establish and maintain a good communication and cooperation mechanism with Shandong Business Department to promote economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will, as always, play the role of a messenger and bridge between Indonesia and China in economic and trade cooperation and corporate exchanges. For everyone to visit Indonesia, invest and provide the necessary services.

Zhang Xingcheng pointed out: "The main purpose of our visit to Indonesia this time is to further promote the economic and trade cooperation between Shandong and Indonesia, and to briefly introduce the basic situation of Shandong Province. Today's economic and trade matchmaking meeting has built a good foundation for Shandong enterprises and member companies of the Chamber of Commerce. The platform hopes that the two companies will seize the opportunity to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges and promote cooperation. Combining the advantages of cooperation between Shandong and Indonesia, we will further deepen cooperation and make several suggestions: (1) Establish and improve a long-term cooperation and exchange mechanism. (2) Enhance trade cooperation (3) Expanding the field of industrial cooperation. I hope that through this docking, the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides will surely achieve more fruitful results, and sincerely invite everyone to take time to go to Shandong to take a look and sightseeing."

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